Mindspa Inda Pvt Ltd

Unlocking your potential with a Life Coach

We invest 1/3rd of our waking lives at our workplaces. Sometimes even more.

The amount of time we spend with our colleagues is substantial and shapes our workplace relationships. It is exciting to support our team and achieve team goals at work as it gives us a sense of purpose and belonging. It also helps us realize that being a great team player requires more than just our technical skills, work experience and subject matter expertise.

If you are waking up happy, excited and eager to go to work then it is one of the biggest blessings in life.Take a moment to think of the days when you do not feel that way. How often does this happen? What we are referring to is a pure “feeling” place inside you that sometimes cannot be described in words. What is pulling you down? Is it difficult people at work? Is it one person or a group or maybe your boss? Do you find yourself wishing that people would communicate or operate the way you would like them to? If you own a business do you often feel that your team lacks ownership, accountability and the drive to deliver above and beyond their defined roles?

However great you may be technically at work, your happiness and success are both dependent on how you respond to external situations and people that you have no control over.

All known and unknown potential is truly limitless and unfolds as years pass by. But what is it that limits this limitless potential? Contrary to belief, it is not just the external environment that limits our potential. Our internal environment comprising of our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, judgement, criticism, response and struggle around others is what truly sets the limits. Consider the following:

  • Are you a person of speed? You think, act, talk fast and expect others in the team to catch up. Do you get impatient with slow thinkers and judge others for not leaving their comfort zones?
  • Are you a sensitive person who is hurt easily and ends up saying “yes” even when you want to say “no”? Do you find others at work insensitive? Are your boundaries not respected? Do you want people to be more friendly and helpful but that seems a struggle?
  • Are you a creative person with high energy? Do you often find that others lack enthusiasm and have resistance to new experiences or ideas?You have a many unique new ideas but nobody seems excited about them as they feel safer with tried and tested ones?
  • Are you a systematic, disciplined and cautious person who does not like to rush things? Do you struggle with people who are impulsive risk takers or rule breakers? Do you wish people respected processes, laws and traditions a little more?
  • Are you still finding your feet and your place in the team? It seems you are not noticed, acknowledged or appreciated and you do not know how to get yourself to that position? Are you trying too hard to get it right?

Which one of the above is you or someone in your team? How does this inner environment reflect in outer success in the business results?

Who we are, how we think, how we perceive others – all of it contributes to the answer to “How far will you go to achieve your potential?”

Learning to build and protect a mind-set that helps you navigate in a competitive world is a step towards higher success. Training yourself on emotional intelligence and business communication intelligence is the best investment you can make for your long-term success. Better still, hire a life coach who will hand-hold you in the process till you master the art of succeeding in a team that has diverse personalities. Whether you work for a business or own one, you need a Life Coach. Take the plunge. If not now, then when?